Spectaculo Geleen!
At the request of the Municipality of Sittard-Geleen, Fidelio Arts and Culture wrote a concept for a new festival in 2022. Sittard-Geleen chose the form of a low-threshold, freely accessible, pluralistic street theatre festival in Geleen; to create commotion in the city within a limited timeframe, release energy, initiate movement and create a space in which (theatre) makers, spectators and users of the city all thrive and are open to being able to take different paths from new perspectives. A different experience of the city and room for other meanings of public space. But also just entertainment and amusement, relaxation and pleasant shared experience. It encourages a positive view of the city, moreover, it attracts more people to the centre, in short Spectáculo Geleen!

Two young enthusiasts from the theatre world were recruited: Sander van Egmond as artistic director and Wouter Ramakers as producer. They immediately set to work and, together with the Sittard-Geleen cultural field, set up the first edition of Spectaculo Geleen in a short time. In June 2023, the first festival took place with great success. It was so well received that the municipality of Sittard-Geleen decided to subsidise the festival again in 2024, giving Sander and Wouter the chance to further develop Spectaculo Geleen. For more information about the festival, visit Spectaculo.nl.